discover and lead your most empowered life
Start your journey on the Human Potential Life Map™ NOW by getting access to your very own Life Map™ Assessment.
How to Access Life Map™ Self Assessment:
Enter your full name, email, and phone above... We are setting up an account for you to track your information and training
You will immediately receive an email from Human Potential International with your user name, temporary password and login link
Click on the login link
Enter your user name (your email)
Enter the temporary password you received from Human Potential International email
Click on the Life Map™ Self Assessment product link
Click Access Now on the product page
Once you access the Life Map™ Self Assessment, you can download the PDF (you will see the download link on the right-hand side of the page)
NOTE: Be sure to change your password as you will be able to access any future HPI products with this same username and password.